P3OPPY: Providing an Optimized and emPowered Pregnancy for You
IMPACT: The P3OPPY study is designed to support the American Heart Association’s mission to improve maternal/infant health outcomes and address inequities in maternal/infant health care. The promise of digital health intervention and community health worker engagement makes P3OPPY interventions potentially transformative, sustainable, and scalable for Non-Hispanic Black mothers and their infants from underserved communities in Alabama and beyond.
The goal of P3OPPY is to investigate the benefit of an existing digital health intervention (DHI) and community health worker (CHW) program to reduce maternal and infant health disparities.
3 Aims

Aim One
Goal: To understand ways existing P3OPPY DHI and CHW interventions can be tailored to best address the needs of Non-Hispanic Black (NHB) pregnant women and their infants from historically marginalized communities.
Methods: Led by qualitative research expert Dr. Janet Turan, our team will interview patients, families, and community stakeholders to understand how DHI and CHW can help reduce disparities in adverse maternal and infant outcomes.
Aim Two – Pilot
Goal: Pilot the DHI and CHW interventions in 30 NHB pregnant patients from high-area deprivation index communities.
Digital Health Intervention
Short Message Service (SMS) based Digital Health Intervention (DHI) developed by Memora Health and EQUATE partners at UPenn. All content is designed for 7th-grade Flesch-Kincaid level or lower.
This DHI provides the following:
- 24/7 AI and evidence-based responses, information, and follow-up recommendations related to maternal and infant health FAQs
- If a question cannot be answered, escalation to a healthcare team member
- Natural language processing-based follow-up questions to triage the patient and contact the patient’s provider through a HIPPA-compliant electronic medical records interface
ConnectionHealth Team
ConnectionHealth is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization founded in December 2014 in Birmingham, Alabama. ConnectionHealth was the first nonprofit organization in Alabama dedicated to training and deploying community health workers (CHWs) to address the needs of Alabama’s most vulnerable citizens. Currently, ConnectionHealth serves citizens in Jefferson County and the Black Belt Region of rural Alabama, providing community-based support with the goal of assisting clients to achieve healthier lives. http://connectionhealth.org
Aim Three – Clinical Trial
Goal: Assess if P3OPPY DHI and/or CHW interventions reduce adverse maternal and perinatal outcomes.